Basic Usage¶
This section provides two simple C++ examples to help you get started with txeo.
📌 Prerequisite: Before compiling, ensure that TensorFlow and txeo are properly installed in
If necessary, add the library paths:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/tensorflow/lib:/opt/txeo/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
A Simple CMakeLists.txt¶
To compile a project using txeo, use the following CMakeLists.txt file.
# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(HelloTxeo LANGUAGES CXX)
# Set C++ standard
# Manually specify Txeo installation paths
set(TXEO_INCLUDE_DIR "/opt/txeo/include")
set(TXEO_LIBRARY "/opt/txeo/lib/")
# Manually specify TensorFlow paths
set(TENSORFLOW_INCLUDE_DIR "/opt/tensorflow/include")
set(TENSORFLOW_CC_LIBRARY "/opt/tensorflow/lib/")
set(TENSORFLOW_FRAMEWORK "/opt/tensorflow/lib/")
# Create an executable
add_executable(hello_txeo main.cpp)
# Include directories for Txeo and TensorFlow
target_include_directories(hello_txeo PRIVATE ${TXEO_INCLUDE_DIR} ${TENSORFLOW_INCLUDE_DIR})
# Link Txeo and TensorFlow manually
# Optionally set rpath for runtime library search
set_target_properties(hello_txeo PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH "/opt/txeo/lib;/opt/tensorflow/lib")
💡 Note: If TensorFlow is installed in a different location, update TENSORFLOW_INCLUDE_DIR and TENSORFLOW_LIBRARY paths accordingly.
Example 1: Tensor Basics¶
Here is a code sample where a 3x3 txeo::Matrix
is defined, written to a file and then another instance is created from the saved file.
#include "txeo/Tensor.h"
#include "txeo/MatrixIO.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace txeo;
using namespace std;
int main() {
// 3×3 matrix created from a list of double values in row-major order
Matrix<double> matrix({3, 3}, {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f});
// Save matrix to file
MatrixIO::write_textfile(matrix, "matrix.txt");
// Load matrix from file
auto loaded_matrix = MatrixIO::read_textfile<double>("matrix.txt");
// Convert matrix to second-order tensor
auto loaded_tensor = Matrix::to_tensor(loaded_matrix);
// Reshape second-order tensor to first-order
// Display loaded tensor
cout << loaded_tensor << endl;
return 0;
Example 2: Running Inference with a Saved Model¶
This example loads a saved TensorFlow model, performs inference on an input tensor, and saves the output:
#include "txeo/Predictor.h"
#include "txeo/Tensor.h"
#include "txeo/MatrixIO.h"
using namespace txeo;
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Define paths to model and input/output tensors
string model_path{"path/to/saved_model"};
string input_path{"path/to/input_tensor.txt"};
string output_path{"path/to/output_tensor.txt"};
// Load the model
Predictor<float> predictor{model_path};
// Read input tensor from file
auto input = MatrixIO::read_textfile<float>(input_path);
// Run inference
auto output = predictor.predict(input);
// Save output tensor to file
MatrixIO::write_textfile(output, output_path);
return 0;
💡 Note: Ensure that "path/to/saved_model" contains a valid TensorFlow model before running this example.
📁 For more samples, please visit the examples folder.
👓 Doxygen Documentation with extensive usage examples is hosted at Netlify.