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🚀 Txeo v1.1.0 - Tensor operations, math functions, Matrix and Vector

Now, Txeo has the following new features:

  • Matrix Multiplication (product) - Perform tensor dot products.
  • Broadcasting Support - Support element-wise operations on different shapes.
  • Reduction Operations (sum, mean, max) - Compute statistics on tensors.
  • Matrix and Vector - Specific entities for second and first order tensors.

🚀 Txeo v1.0.0 - Initial Stable Release

Txeo is now officially production-ready with the following features:

  • Intuitive API for TensorFlow C++ usage.
  • High-Level Tensor Abstraction with flexible Tensor IO.
  • Near-Native Performance - Only 0.6-1.2% overhead compared to native TensorFlow.
  • XLA Acceleration Support for advanced optimizations.
  • Consistent Performance Across Compilers - Intel, GCC, and Clang.