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The TensorShape class defines the dimensional structure of tensors in the txeo library. It describes the dimensions and axes of tensors, serving as the foundation for tensor creation, manipulation, and indexing.


A TensorShape represents the dimensions of a tensor:

  • Axes: Positions labeled from zero, each associated with a tensor dimension.
  • Dimensions: Size along each axis.


  • Scalar (no axes): TensorShape()
  • Vector: {3}
  • Matrix: {3, 4}
  • 3-dimensional tensor: {2, 3, 4}

API Reference

Method Description
size() Returns number of axes
number_of_axes() Synonym for size()
axes_dims() Returns dimensions of each axis
stride() Returns strides for efficient indexing
set_dim(axis, dim) Changes size of specified axis
insert_axis(axis, dim) Inserts axis at specified position
push_axis_back(dim) Adds an axis at the end
remove_axis(axis) Removes specified axis
remove_all_axes() Removes all axes
clone() Returns a deep copy of shape

Creating Tensor Shapes

Constructing from dimensions

txeo::TensorShape shape({2, 3, 4}); // Creates a shape with dimensions 2x3x4

Creating uniform dimensions

txeo::TensorShape shape(3, 5); // Shape with three axes, each of dimension 5

Common Operations

Accessing Dimensions

You can access the shape dimensions:

std::vector<int64_t> dims = shape.axes_dims();

Comparing shapes

if (shape1 == shape2) {
    std::cout << "Shapes are equal.";

Manipulating Axes

Inserting an Axis

shape.insert_axis(1, 5); // Inserts a new axis at position 1 with dimension 5

Removing an Axis

shape.remove_axis(2); // Removes the axis at position 2

Changing a Dimension

shape.set_dim(0, 10); // Sets the first axis dimension size to 10

Removing All Axes

shape.remove_axis(0); // Removes axis at position 0
shape.remove_axis(1); // Removes axis at new position 1

or simply:



Tensor strides represent the memory step size for each dimension:

auto strides = shape.stride();

for (size_t s : strides)
    std::cout << s << ' ';


Checking Shape Equality

#include <iostream>
#include "txeo/TensorShape.h"

int main() {
    txeo::TensorShape shape1({3, 4});
    txeo::TensorShape shape2({3, 4});

    if (shape == shape2) {
        std::cout << "Shapes match!" << std::endl;

Modifying a TensorShape

#include <iostream>
#include "txeo/TensorShape.h"

int main() {
    txeo::TensorShape shape({2, 3});

    shape.push_axis_back(4);       // shape now (2,3,4)
    shape.set_dim(1, 5);            // Update dimension of axis 1 from 3 to 5

    std::cout << "Updated Shape: " << shape << std::endl;

Exception Handling

All invalid operations throw a TensorShapeError:

try {
    shape.insert_axis(10, 2); // invalid operation
} catch (const txeo::TensorShapeError &e) {
    std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what();

For detailed API references, see individual method documentation at txeo::TensorShape.